Islam, (P.B.U.H) , Teaching Of P.B.U.H. History of Islam .......

Pillars Of Iman

Salaam-mu-Alika :


Hands crossed in prayer 

Pillars Of Iman :
The general meaning of Imam:
The utterance of the tongue,heart and the action of the limbs according to the teaching of GOD
which He revealed to His last Prophet, Muhammad .


6 pillars of faith (rukun imam )

  • Belief in Allah
  • Belief in His Angles
  • Belief in His Messenger
  • Belief in His Books
  • Belief in the Day of Judgment
  • Belief in the divine destiny                           

Imam According to the Quran and the Hadith :

The word imam has been mentioned several places in the Quran ,
The word imam was mentioned only thirteen times ,
The derivatives of the word have been mentioned many time . Other derivatives of the term , like and other appeared more than 400 times ,
Mostly these verses are tell us about the attributes of believers or the attributes that do not belong to the believers.........

Pillars Of Iman

What if faith Fair ?? What is the Purpose ??
  • A faith fair is an exposition of student work based on research of religious topic...
  • The purpose of faith fair are :
  1. To celebrate and promote fervor for our catholic education,
  2. To encourage and promote increased knowledge of the doctrinal content of the religious Curriculum documents
  3. To unit students with there teachers and there parents as they study topic related to their faith: and ,
  4. To promote ecumenicism and vocations.....

